I never really intended to be a full-time technical writer. However, when I put
my resume on Monster for the first time, I was almost immediately contacted for a
technical writing position at Microsoft. Perhaps it was because I had written several
articles on programming, but for whatever reason I received the offer, I wanted to work
for Microsoft so I accepted.
I have written:
- A series of articles about programming in magazines such as CodeWorks and PC Techniques.
- I wrote context-sensitive help files for my own games.
- Reviews of programmers' tools, books, and games for PC Techniques and PC Hands On.
- How-to articles for end users, describing useful techniques for programs such as
Microsoft Word, PhotoShop, and Excel.
I have written documentation for programmers, including:
- How-to and reference articles for MDN Web Docs. (Opens in a new browser tab.)
- Technical Specifications and Design Specifications
- API References for Microsoft ADO, OLE DB, and ODBC as well as for ADO .NET
- Conceptual documentation for Microsoft database objects. I was part of a team of
three writers who reorganized and expanded the ADO 2.5 documentation set.
- API references for a Java API for TIAA-CREF.